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The Development of Korean /s/ (/ㅅ/) and /s'/ (/ㅆ/) in Normal Children of Ages 2-7 Years
Hee Jung Cheon, Seung Hwan Lee
Commun Sci Disord. 1999;4(1):1-24.
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Semantic Analyzability of the Intra - and Inter - sentences of the Language - Disordered Children at 2- to 3- year of Language Age
Young Tae Kim
Commun Sci Disord. 1999;4(1):1-18.
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Treatment Efficacy of Group Vocal Hygiene Education for Middle School Teachers: Acoustical Analysis of Voice and Self-Evaluation of Vocal Fatigue Before and After the Education
Yun Kyung Song, Hyun Sub Sim
Commun Sci Disord. 1999;4(1):1-22.
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Developmental Apraxia of Speech
Seo Lin Park, Hyang Hee Kim
Commun Sci Disord. 1999;4(1):1-14.
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A Comparison Study of Phonological Processing and Word Recognition in Reading Disabled, Reading Level Matched and Age Matched Children
Hye Sook Lee, Hyun Sook Park
Commun Sci Disord. 1999;4(1):1-24.
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Factors Relating to Early Recognition of Autism
Min Nam
Commun Sci Disord. 1999;4(1):1-17.
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Measures of Utterance Length of Normal and Language - Delayed Children
Hee Jung Lee, Young Tae Kim
Commun Sci Disord. 1999;4(1):1-14.
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The Development of Connect ive Endings of 2-5 Year Old Normal Children
Hee Sun Seo, Seung Hwan Lee
Commun Sci Disord. 1999;4(1):1-19.
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Changes of Electrical Thresholds and Dynamic Range in Children with Cochlear Implants
Soo Jin Kim, Lee Suk Kim, Kyu Shik Rhee
Commun Sci Disord. 1999;4(1):1-21.
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한국의 언어병리학 및 청각학의 발자취와 전망
Commun Sci Disord. 1999;4(1):5-15.
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The effect of functional augmentative and alternative communication training for students with severe disabilities: In the context of grocery shopping activity
Soo Jung Chae, Eun Hye Park
Commun Sci Disord. 1999;4(1):119-138.