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Commun Sci Disord. 2003;8(1): 217-243.
Psychometrically Equivalent Korean Monosyllabic Speech Discrimination Materials Spoken by Male and Female Talkers
W Richard` , Harris` , Eunoak Kim` , L Dennis` , and Eggett`
Copyright ©2003 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Richard W| Harris| Eunoak Kim| Dennis L| Eggett
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This investigation was undertaken to develop, digitally record, evaluate, and psychometrically equate Korean monosyllabic word lists for use in measurement of auditory word recognition. Two hundred fifty monosyllabic words were selected from a Korean frequency usage dictionary: Frequency Analysis of Korean Morpheme and Word Usage(Kim & Kang, 2000). These words were digitally recorded by both male and female talkers native to Seoul, Korea. Percent correct word recognition was measured for each word at 10 intensity levels from 5 to 40dBHL in 5dB increments using 20 normally hearing subjects. Difficulty rankings were calculated for each of the 250 monosyllabic words. The 200 monosyllabic words that were easiest to identify were selected for inclusion in the final compact disc recordings. Four equivalent word lists of 50 words each and eight half-lists of 25 words each were formed from the selected monosyllabic words. A chi-square analysis revealed no statistically significant differences in audibility among the lists or half-lists. In order to increase homogeneity of audibility of the lists and half-lists, the thresholds of the 16 monosyllabic half-lists were adjusted so that the threshold of each list was equal to the midpoint(11.1dBHL) between the mean threshold of the male half-lists and the mean threshold of the female half-lists. No attempt to phonemically balance the 4 lists, or 8 half-lists was made. The concept of phonemic balance is briefly discussed. The psychometrically equivalent Korean monosyllabic word recognition lists, spoken by both male and female talkers, are included on the Brigham Young University Korean Speech Audiometry Materials(Disc 1.0) compact disc.
Keywords: 단어 재인 | 어음변별 | 한국어 | 대등한 | 컴팩트 디스크 | 심리측정적 기능 | 동질성
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Psychometrically Equivalent Korean Bisyllabic Words Spoken by Male and Female Talker  2003 ;8(1)
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Korea Nazarene University, 48 Wolbong-ro, Seobuk-gu, Cheonan 31172, Korea

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