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Commun Sci Disord. 2004;9(1): 1-14.
A Study on the Characteristics of Speech Disfluencies in Early Childhood Stuttering
Jae Won Byun` , Eun Ju Lee` , and Hyun Sub Sim`
Copyright ©2004 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
변재원(Jae Won Byun)| 이은주(Eun Ju Lee)| 심현섭(Hyun Sub Sim)
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the differences in speech disfluencies between normal and stuttering children and the relation of TSO(time since onset of stuttering) to 5 measures of stuttering behaviors for stuttering children. Ten stuttering children aged 2 to 7 who are within 6 months since the onset of stuttering and 10 gender- and age-matched normally fluent children participated in this study. Speech samples, collected for each subject were at least 200 syllables in length. All utterances during the task were video-recorded and transcribed for analysis. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to examine group differences and Spearman correlation coefficient was also calculated to examine the relationship between TSO and the 5 dependent measures of disfluencies. The results obtained were as follows: (1) mean number of SLD, mean number of repetition units, and weighted SLD scores significantly differed between the two groups, whereas the mean number of OD did not show a significance difference between the two groups. Also, the proportion of each type(SLD, OD) in the total disfluencies differentiated the two groups. (2) The two groups differed from each other in terms of weighted SLD scores. The stuttering severity of children near the stuttering onset was moderate to severe, rather than mild. (3) Within the stuttering children no significant relationship was found between TSO and any of the 5 measures of stuttering. The findings of the present study were taken to suggest that certain measures of speech disfluencies, such as weighted SLD scores and proportions of disfluencies, can serve as an important diagnostic tool for differentiating stuttering children and normally fluent children.
Keywords: 초기 말더듬 | 진성비유창성(SLD) | 가성비유창성(OD) | 가중말더듬지수 | 말더듬 경과기간 | 말더듬 정도 | SLD
Editorial office contact information
Department of Speech Pathology, College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Daegu University,
Daegudae-Ro 201, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do 38453, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-502-196-1996   Fax: +82-53-359-6780   E-mail: kjcd@kasa1986.or.kr

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