Commun Sci Disord. 2008;13(2): 308-327.
A Review of Literacy Interventions for AAC Users |
Jeongyoun Kim`
, Eunhye Park`
, and Yunhui Pyo`
Copyright ©2008 The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology |
김정연(Jeongyoun Kim)| 박은혜(Eunhye Park)| 표윤희(Yunhui Pyo) |
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Background & Objectives The importance of literacy intervention has recently been emphasized in various literature on augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). The purpose of this study was to examine the effective intervention elements used to improve the literacy skills of AAC users. Methods Thirty intervention studies were selected and analyzed based on the intervention methods as well as the type of participant disability, the experimental design, and the types of dependent variables. Both domestic and foreign articles were included. Results The components of AAC literacy intervention derived from the literature review included 1) using appropriate responses and prompts, 2) enhancing the quality of the communication environment, 3) direct AAC skills instruction, 4) multi-faceted comprehensive AAC intervention, 5) conversation partner training, and 6) computer-assisted instruction. In terms of the AAC system used in the intervention, 14 studies using VOCA, 15 studies used picture (or word) cards, 5 studies using storybooks, and 5 studies using a computer system. Discussion & Conclusion The effective instruction variables based on the results of the 30 studies are discussed. Furthermore, the implications of this review for further studies on the literacy of AAC users are suggested. |
중도장애 | 보완대체의사소통 | 문해력 | 음성출력의사소통도구 | 읽기 | severe disabilities | Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) |