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 Guidelines for Research Ethics

Chapter 1 Objective

The purpose of this ethical guidance is to provide the basic principles and directions for ethical practices required to ensure ethics and academic integrity in research.

Chapter 2 General ethical principles

Article 1 Conduct of KASA members
KASA members must strive to sustain or improve their professional specialty.

Article 2 Social Responsibility
KASA members must fulfill their responsibility by acknowledging the fact that their research and clinical activities have effects on not only people with speech, language, or hearing impairment and their families but also the society as a whole.

Article 3 Truth of Statement
KASA members must make sure that their statements are truthful based on scientific data and knowledge when disseminating the research results to the public through advertising, lectures and presentations. Also, members should be honest in their experience and qualifications.

Article 4 Respect for Human Dignity
KASA members must respect the life, property, dignity and privacy of others and shall not violate or infringe their rights. At the same time, members must treat people fairly regardless of race, religion, gender, disability, age and nationality.

Chapter 3 Code of Ethics for researchers

Article 1 Truth in Research
① Researchers must conduct research ranging from designing the research to reporting of results accurately and truthfully.
② Researchers should suggest and discuss their opinions objectively based on the scientific evidence.
③ Researchers should respect all the activities involved in the research of others.

Article 2 Obligations of Researchers
① Researchers must make statements based on scientific evidence when disseminating their research findings through advertising, lectures and presentations.
② Researchers have an obligation to report only the truth about their research accomplishments and results.
③ Researchers should comply with KASA’s guidelines for manuscript preparation when quoting or referring to the works of others.

Article 3 Research Misconduct
KASA would not publish any manuscript associated with the following research misconducts. Any misconduct discovered after publication of a manuscript shall be governed by the Research Ethics Committee in KASA.
① Any falsification of research results
② Any fabrication of research results
③ Any plagiarism by incorporating someone else's research content, including results, without the author's permission and referencing its source.

Article 4 Duplicate Publications Banned
① Any research work that was previously presented at another conference at home and abroad or prepared for another conference shall be not presented at KASA conferences.
② Any research work that was published elsewhere or prepared for another journal shall be not published. However, any research work that was previously presented at another conference can be submitted for application to publish in the KASA journal.
③ If a degree thesis is quoted, wholly or partially, in the manuscript that is to be published in the KASA journal, its source shall be referenced using footnotes: example: "This manuscript is extracted from the text of the doctoral degree thesis of a person (name)."

Article 5 Protection of Research Subjects
Researchers must ensure that the research subjects are protected from any mental and physical harm during their participation in research. At the beginning, researchers shall inform participants about the research procedures and content and seek informed consent from them.

Chapter 4 Code of Ethics for Reviewers and Editors

Article 1 Ethics of Peer Review
① Reviewers should evaluate the manuscripts objectively and fairly.
② Results of the review should be explained in detail without words that might insult the authors.
③ Reviewers should not discuss any issues about the review with anyone other than the editor in chief or the editorial board.
④ Reviewers should not use the content of the manuscript for any purpose other the purpose of review.

Article 2 Ethics of Editing
① Editors are held responsible for all published materials in KASA, including its journal.
② Editors should manage and monitor the overall review process and reviewers.
③ Editors should not disclose any information related to the manuscript review,
④ Editors should immediately correct any errors found in the publication process or disclose any correction performed in writing.

Chapter 5 The Research Ethics Committee hereinafter called "the Committee"

Article 1 Composition and tenure of the Committee
① The Committee shall consist of seven members or less, including the president of KASA and the editor in chief.
② The Committee shall be chaired by the President of KASA, and its members shall be appointed from the standing directors by the President.
③ A member shall lose its eligibility for the case being deliberated by the Committee if he or she is in any way concerned in the case.
④ Members of the Committee shall serve for a two-year term.
⑤ Where a member position is vacant, the vacancy shall be filled immediately by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term.

Article 2 Mission and Authority of the Committee
① The Committee shall review the ethical standards and KASA members are to follow and take necessary action.
② The Committee meeting can take place upon request of the President of the Committee or at least two committee members.
③ The Committee meeting can be called by a majority of members, and a decision is made by a two-thirds vote of the members present.
④ The Committee shall review the following:
  1. Make, update and interpret general ethical principles that KASA members should adhere to.
  2. Propose creation and amendments of rules and regulations of the Committee.
  3. Investigate any violation of ethical standards and take action on resolution.
  4. Propose a disciplinary action against the person involved after investigation of ethics violation and propose sanction through a vote.
  5. Others upon request of the President of the Committee.
Article 3 Request for Deliberations
① KASA member or anyone concerned with KASA can request, in writing or via email, the deliberations of the Committee on whether a specific member’s conduct violates research ethics or not.
② Any request for deliberation of the Committee shall be made in real name.
③ The President of the Committee should hold the meeting within two weeks after receipt of the request for deliberation.

Article 4 Process of Deliberation and Notice of Results
Deliberation proceeds as follows
① The Committee can call for the attendance of the applicant for deliberation, the individual alleged to be in violation and any witness/ testifier. Interviews and relevant data presentation can be also requested, if necessary.
② If the alleged person neither shows up nor presents any data without reasonable reasons, the legally effective certification, known as Naeyong Jeungmyung (certification of contents) in Korean language, can be mailed. Nonetheless, if the alleged person does not still respond to the request of the Committee, the Committee assumes that the person accepts the allegation of violating ethics standards.
③ The Committee should review the research methods and results being involved in violation in a fair and in-depth manner before making a decision on whether an ethic violation occurred or not.
④ The President of the Committee should explain the results of the deliberation to the involved individuals in detail. Either the alleged person or the applicant can present their responses to the results or have a chance to explain their reasons, if any. The President should notify either party of the need for preparing the results or the chance described above before they attend the meeting.
⑤ If ethics violation occurred, the Committee can propose a disciplinary action or a sanction against the person who committed violation to the CEO of the person’s workplace.
⑥ The Committee can propose a disciplinary action or a sanction against the person who reported falsified or untruthful information to the Committee, whether intentionally or unintentionally, to the CEO of the person’s workplace.
⑦ Committee members shall not announce or disclose anything related to the alleged person or the deliberation process to a third party

The Committee should complete the deliberation for any case within three months after receipt of the request for deliberation and notify the involved individuals in writing or via email of the results within two weeks after the deliberation.

Article 5 Content of Sanction
After notifying the results on identified violation of ethics standards, the Committee shall impose the following sanctions, wholly or partially, for a specific period in accordance with the voting results

① Cancel the publication of the respective manuscript
② No acceptance of the manuscript from the person who committed an ethics violation in the future
③ Deprive of his or her membership
④ Notify the CEO of his or her workplace of the violation
⑤ Report the violation to the police

Article 6 Re-deliberation
① Either the alleged person or the applicant can appeal for re-deliberation within 10 days after receiving the deliberation results and prepare for their presence in re-deliberation.
② The Committee shall decide whether it will hold re-deliberation by a majority vote within 10 days after receipt of the appeal.

Article 7 Education for Members
KASA should provide training on the code of ethics to its members at least once a year.


These guidelines went into effect on October 1, 2007.

Volume29 No. 4
Author index
Journal Impact Factor 0.4
SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Editorial office contact information
Department of Speech-Language Pathology,
Korea Nazarene University, 48 Wolbong-ro, Seobuk-gu, Cheonan 31172, Korea

Tel: +82-502-196-1996   Fax: +82-53-359-6780   E-mail: kjcd@kasa1986.or.kr

Copyright © by Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.
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